In 33 days my iMac will celebrate his 3rd birthday. Didn't have any trouble with it so far. Last week though I recognized the Apple remote didn't work anymore. My first guess was the battery is low because I never changed it and I use the remote very often. I started Photo Booth and aimed the remote to the camera. The IR diode worked properly as i could see the light in the Photo Booth screen when I pressed a button on the remote. I couldn't find any help in the Apple discussion groups and even google wasn't any help. Very unusual. After some more standard troubleshooting (making sure IR isn't deactivated in the security settings, trying to pair the remote with the iMac) I had to call Apple care because a reboot wasn't any help either. The Apple Care guy was very friendly and competent. The remote works again now. We turned of the iMac, disconnected all cables and waited for 15 seconds. After all cables where connected again I needed to press the ALT COMMAND P a...
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